Friday, June 14, 2013

Reflections and Recommendations from Nebaj

Our time is winding down in Nebaj and Monday we leave to return to Antigua for a week before we go to Solola. We have experienced so much while we have been in Nebaj and today was a day devoted totally to reflect and recommend our ideas. But before the reflection Whitney Anna and I went on a slow 6 mile run to the water fall again!
In aw

At the water fall!- halfway done with our run

After the run we had time to prep for our results presentation. It truly was a really incredible opportunity: we got to sit down with the president of SolCom, the organization we work for, and tell him our ideas for how we should better run the campaigns, eye exams, Stove Days, and Charlas we have been giving. We gave him our ideas and he responded with what he thought about what we had to say and made it into an open conversation. It made me really think about the businesses and companies I have been surrounded by. How easy it is accept what is working and not reflect on how to make it better just because it is working. Our campaigns have been successful but for anything there is a way to make it better. This time to reflect and propose new ideas really made me start to undersatnd how businesses can become so much better with time and how important it is to slow down and reflect on what happened, how to improve, and the next steps we need to take.

We returned home for lunch, of spaghetti and mystery meat patties...ew. But this was followed by an entire mango! So I left very satisfied.

After lunch we returned for a meeting with the school teachers to reflect about our work at the Mercadito. They told us we made over Q4,300!! They could not thank us more and loved the ideas we gave them for how to make it better next year. A father of one of the kids came with a donation of Q200 from his school! We also offered to put the bracelets the kids make in the front of our store. It was an interesting meeting and the teachers were so appreciative of our work.

Whitney and I then went on an adventure to print out pictures and make frames as gifts for our homestays!

The frames and pictures we bought!

I finished Goodwill Hunting before returning home for a dinner of Eggs with Green beans, Salsa, and tortillas. Then all the kids and cousins came onto my bed and we played "Go Fish" for too long. I was falling asleep in bed when my mom brought me mango for dessert! Two mangos in one day?!?...unheard of!

Tomorrow we have another Stove Day starting at 7am then we are all sleeping at a hotel together. Should be a fun day! Until tomorrow... AND shoutout to Bubby its his 90th birthday tomorrow! so sda I am missing it!

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