Tuesday, July 2, 2013

SolCom store Campaign and Finishing the Catalog!

Today was a pretty average day in Solola Guatemala. We woke up to eat complimentary hotel breakfast of freshly cut fruit and were off in a large public bus known as a "camioneta" or a "chicken bus". It is basically a school bus where they pack as many possible people as they can into and it is so cheap to get anywhere. For our 30 minute bus ride it costs Q3 the equivalent of about 40 cents!

We arrived in the city center of Solola to do a campaign out of the store front. This is different than our normal campaigns because this is a store that is open 5 days a week and gives access to all our products at all times. The good side to this model is if a person does not have the money now or was not walking on the street or did not hear about us they alawys can come back the next day and it is a sustaiable business. But, what is harder is that it does not incentivize people as much to buy things RIGHT NOW because they can always come back tomorrow. I gave eye exams to many people who needed the reading glasses we provide but also need to go to the doctor because they have far vision problems as well. Instead of buying the reading glasses which would have been an easy sell if we were only there for a day, they made the decision to go to the doctor first to get another eye exam before buying the glasses. Along with eye exams we had our rocket stove running and lots of people were interested in learning about this model of a stove.

We returned back to Pana for lunch at the same deli where I got another salad with grilled chicken. Unfortunately a lot of people have gotten sick since we have been here. Three people in my gorup had to go to the doctor today and all have stomach infections. Luckily I am in the clear for now which is very unlike me on this trip! But I really should be a little more careful with the raw fruits and veggies here.

After lunch I finished the Wholesale catalog for Sanik I had started yesterday!

The cover with this phrase at the bottom:
Jewelry, Accessories, and Home Goods Handmade by Guatemalan Artisans who weave to support their families.

About us page!

One of two Jewelry pages

One of two accessories pages

The Home goods page!
So happy I finished that and tomorrow I will be presenting what I did to Sanik! After I finished I videochatted with Dylan for a bit then went for a short run with Ryan (not my brother) where we legit sprinted through the streets of Pana. 

Tomorrow we are giving our Sanik presentation and then going to the regional coordinator Juana's house where she is cooking us lunch!

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