Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Getting to Know My Home Stay Sisters

GREAT NEWS! There was no bat in my room but I was not making up the noise! Glad that I was warned that there are stray cats which live on the roof above me and because the roof is metal whenever they step it sounds sort of like a flutter coming from on top of my head (or at least that is my justification for immediately thinking I had a bat in my room). I found this out because I told my host mom this morning that I did not sleep because I thought there was an animal in my room but I was probably just crazy and nervous my first night. But she immediately responded saying no you aren't loco there are cats that live above you!...Glad I know that NOW.

So I started off my day exhausted to say the least. I did not know how to use the sink so decided instead of embarrassing myself I would just swallow my toothpaste, I am really killing it at my home stay. Then I had breakfast around 6:30am which was banana pineapple and bread with sugar which was delicious and quite filling! Irma packed me a lunch and Daneysa walked me to where the bus picked me up at 7:45am. I had not really had a chance to talk to Daneysa yesterday, she seemed busy or did not want to waste her time with a foreigner, but during this walk I told her all about my crazy bat night which got the ball rolling. We talked for a good 20 minutes because my bus was late and she was waiting with me. I learned that she has taken English for 13 years and can basically understand everything but refuses to talk to me in it...which is probably a good thing.

Once I left her we got to the nunnery and were greeted by our tutors. To start off my exhausting morning I had 4 straight hours of one on one spanish tutoring. In Spanish she told me how much of a tradition it is in pueblos to always live in your home and it really limits the jobs the men can have because they have to work near their home. Also, men and women cannot live together until they are married and once they are married they move into the husband's house usually with the rest of his family.

After this we had lunch! It felt like high school because everyone had a packed lunch and was sitting outside on picnic tables. Irma packed me low mein noodles with chicken and vegetables, pineapple, and an entire loaf of bread.
My delicious lunch!

Eating at a picnic table with our packed lunches.

After lunch we learned about the history of Guatemala. About the civil war and the current peace agreement and the current issues Guatemala faces. I should have been paying attention but my lack of sleep made me have a lack of attention span as my eyes could not stay open for this section. Then we walked around Antigua and returned to our home stays.

Once I got home Daneysa after she was done talking on the phone came in my room and plopped this large piece of paper on the floor of my room. Keyla then shortly joined us as Daneysa explained she was making a gift for her boyfriend because tomorrow if their two month! She made the cutest turtle and told me all about her boyfriend and her past boyfriends! She said I am going to meet him soon which I am excited to do. We were together talking for about an hour until dinner. Dinner was the low mein I had for lunch on large tortilla chips and tortilla chips covered in beans and salsa. My host mom was trying to get me in the conversation. Irma again did not eat with the rest of us. 

After dinner the three sisters went back into my room where I had to do my Spanish tarea and she finished this project. 
Daneysa and her gift for her boyfriend for their two month tomorrow. (Te amo= I love you)

We went on my computer and had google translator opened so that any hard sentences we could translate to each other online! I love how technology can facilitate communication. I showed them pictures of my family on facebook and we listened to my music on my computer (thanks Taylor...they love Glee, Adele, and Justin Beiber so it was a hit!) Around 9:30 they left my room to go to sleep. I really enjoyed their company and am so glad we were together for so long. But now I am more than tired and am hoping tonight I actually sleep. Today was a great day because I got to know my homestay even through all of my exhaustion. I have four more hours of Spanish in the morning, going to be another long day! 

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